N o r t h    T e x a s   P G R
F I N A L    I T I N E R A R Y

Patriot's Name:

  Cpl Dickie Ward

Military Branch:

United States Marine Corps



Additional Military Info:

Vietnam Vet

Ride Captain:

"BikerBruce" Lowe; (214) 478-6966; BikerBruce@att.net

Mission Summary:

We will stand a flag line for this American Hero on Monday 2-13-2012, at 1:00pm at DFW National Cemetery at Shelter B.

Link To Obituary:

Link To Obituary


Interment 2-13-2012 at DFW National Cemetery at 1:00pm Shelter B.

Mission Date:


Staging Time:

12:15 PM

Briefing Time:

12:30 PM

In Position Time Or KSU:

12:45 PM

Details Of Part 1:

After a short briefing at the information center, I would like 2-4 big flag bikes to get into the designated lane all others go to Shelter B to set up flags and wait for the arrival of the coach, family, and friends. After the mission is complete we will hold a quick debriefing and be dismissed.

Staging Address For Part 1:

DFW National Cemetery
2000 Mountain Creek Pkwy
Dallas, Texas 75211

Map To DFW National Cemetery Staging Area

- Map To Staging Area At DFW National Cemetery.

Water Truck For Part 1:

- The Flag/Water Truck WILL Be There.

Support Person:

Bobby Short; (214) 862-5448; blshort2000@yahoo.com

Weather Forecast:
(See WEB Calendar For The Latest Forecasts)

Check The Online Itinerary For Current Weather With Radar And Mission Updates Before Heading Out.


- Iron horses if you can, cages are always welcome and appreciated.

- Safety First: Please remember to properly hydrate (including the night before) before any outdoor activity and to dress appropriately. Do not hesitate to take a break at any time if you feel you need to get in the shade or get indoors and always ask for help at any time. Also please do not forget your sun screen.

- Please remember that our mission is to stand tall and silent, and with honor and respect for this patriot and their family. NO TALKING, SMOKING, OR CELL PHONE USE IN THE FLAG LINE!

- We will park along the main street close to the designated shelter with 2 bikes side by side as close to the curb and each other as possible so that traffic can get by.

- Let's always remember to keep the motorcycle and voice noise to a minimum when arriving and leaving the shelters.

- Cemeteries are hallowed ground. Please keep radios off and engine noise to a minimum. Observe the 15 MPH speed limit. Show our respect to ALL who are there, not just the one we are honoring.

Respectfully Submitted By:

"BikerBruce" Lowe

Ride Captain

Maps And Current Weather And Forecasts

This weather information below is for the staging point of the mission.  More information is available if you click on the forecast section.  It is current as of the time you click the mission link on the calendar.

Radar Image Not Available At This Time.
Clicking on radar image will open a new window with a larger display.  It will be customized later (this is a demo) 
Dallas, Texas, weather conditions and forecast
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